Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Football Practice Extras

I was able to attend spring football practice earlier this week for the Jacks. (My story on the matter is here.) Count me as one who was impressed with the level of physicality. One wonders about how players respond to beating on each other for three weeks, with only a intra-squad scrimmage in sight but the players seemed to be getting after it.

Just some thoughts that I had ...
  • The offensive line will be huge. I like the holes they were able to open up at this point, when the defense is usually ahead of the offense. 
  • Tyrel Kool will fit in nicely. I was skeptical of his move from wide receiver to running back but he looked good and brings foot speed that the Jacks haven't had.
  • I also thought Zach Zenner looked really good. He had a long touchdown run and a player on the sidelines commented that they thought he looked a lot like Kyle Minett. A good, tough runner, although I'm not sure where he will settle on the depth chart.
  • Mike Lien and Dirk Kool will be the leaders of the defense. They aren't as vocal as the defensive backs, but those guys will be quietly leading the charge. 
  • I have my thoughts on the quarterback position (which in my opinion, will be a cut and dried decision) but I will hold those ideas for now, or at least another blog post.
FYI: The Jackrabbits spring game is April 16 at 1 p.m. at Coughlin-Alumni Stadium.

That's all for now, with likely another blog post to follow soon.

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