Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Classic Baseball

I rediscovered this legendary game a couple of days ago while at home. From the looks of it, there's not a lot there and isn't really special, as far as looks go. However, I love it because of the simple nuances of it.
  • First of all, it's a big, boxy, brown game that has to be played with the sound on. It has the useless option to turn the sound off but because baserunning is predicated on the beeps, the shrill sounds must be kept on.
  • Those beeps can be experienced in this video. It feels like you're playing the very first game created, regardless of the subject matter. 
  • For as little fun as that might have looked, it is somewhat realistic. I'm a huge fan of the fact that the runners are not the same for every batter. You rip a triple and then it turns out you have Chubbs McGee at the plate and you'll have to stop at second. Or you can try to stretch it to third and get thrown out. 
  • It's not terribly difficult to hit on the game but it's still an enjoyable action, mainly because balls break a little bit as they come to the plate. I like when the pitch comes over the plate and it is called a ball, because it dropped out of the zone.
  • You don't play defense, meaning you hit for both teams, allowing you to purposely throw the game for one side or the other. It makes me feel like a modern-day Chick Gandil. 
  • I'll admit that I own a modern remake of the game, but it makes me feel like I lived during the 1970s.
The only way I can sum up my thoughts about this game is that it is classic-kind of awesome. Thanks for reading.

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