Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 4: Final Thoughts

Well the 2011 #SummitHoops (Oh yeah that's right, I don't have to use that hashtag anymore) Summit League Basketball Tournament is over and it's repeats all around. Oakland and SDSU are able to repeat the feat again advance to the dance. So here we go...
  • I thought there would be more people at both sessions today. There will be a point in time (a.k.a: Right Now) where making the NCAA Tournament is not a given for the Jackrabbits. It's not something that should be taken for granted.
  • The crowd was loud but I think Oakland handled it well. OU defended well, SDSU defended better.
  • That low post duo of Sunnarborg and Lingle played well today. When they are going good, there's no stopping them. Someone should do a story on them.
  • Kristin Rotert is a winner. Whatever it takes to do it, she does it.
  • Jennie Sunnarborg has 13 points and 9 assists. Jill Young has 1 point, 9 rebounds. Is everything okay?
  • Oakland women will be scary good next year. I'm calling it now: The same four teams will meet in the semis. Maybe not same matchups but same squads.
  • Keith Benson is the most dominant player in Summit League history, according to Greg Kampe. I'll second that.
  • Reggie Hamilton salutes. Game over. 
  • I tweeted that the ORU-Oakland game would have a great finish. Then the Grizzlies go on a ridiculous run to demolish whatever hopes ORU had.
I enjoyed my first Summit League tournament. No real complaints and a lot of memorable moments. More on those in the coming days when I recover from sleep deprivation.

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