Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Scenes of South Dakota

Here's a photo recap of my first six weeks or so in Mitchell, S.D. (Note: All photos taken with my iPhone. How 'bout that?)

Needless to say, I had to move the seat back a bit.
Did you know the whole building is not made of corn?
Did you know Mitchell is only known for the Corn Palace outside South Dakota? Actually, in South Dakota too.
Welcome to Mitchell, Mr. Taxler.
I loved this Gregory baseball field. The light pole had to be in play.You know somebody has been knocked out going full speed for a foul ball too.
And the press box had to hang over the field, in play.
In the useless info department, the last 26 winners of the Poorman's Fishing Tournament.
Buckshots in Letcher. Not sure if those gas pumps work. Probably do.
Small crowd gathering in Armour to take in some baseball. Also, everyday in South Dakota is cloudy. Seriously, look at the clouds in all of these photos. Unbelievable right? If this wasn't a blog and over the internet, the wind would be slapping you in the face too.
Anyone who has ever lined a baseball field can tell you it's an art. Unless you have no idea what you're doing. That shows through pretty quickly. Sidenote: I have no idea what the chalk cart is officially called. Does anyone know/care?
Armour's Roy King. This reference will only resonate with my Le Center brethren but he is honestly like Ken Schmidt. In his 60s (or near that age), plays baseball in a adult league and is a member of a band. Too bad they don't look alike.
Taken on the first day of work. The sign was damaged by the infamous hail storm and has since been taken down. So I have a real treasure here. (Ok, no I don't.) "It's never been the same old story" is a good slogan. I know The Daily has a couple of other good slogans from past days too.
Near the Missouri River. These sweeping views are underrated in the state. (Not taken far from the Platte-Winner Bridge. I find it funny it is named after those two towns considering Platte is 14 miles away and Winner is 37 miles away. But there is not another town in between the two and it makes perfect sense for those trying to navigate the area. A local used the name and I instantly knew which bridge he was talking about. If if was the Smith Bridge, I might not know what he's talking about.)
These photos don't do it justice. If only I could make a good panorama ...
This was on the Winner side of the Platte-Winner Bridge. I don't know what is on the trailer but the truck had a hell of a time getting out of the valley. Certainly wasn't going faster than 20 miles an hour. It could be a piece of a water tower, wind turbine or silo. I couldn't tell when I was behind him and I can't make it out now. But it's nice to wonder. Also, I've come through Platte three times now and I've seen this Dutch Oven Bakery advertised and there it is on the truck. The store HAS A DRIVE-THRU WINDOW!! YES, A BAKERY!! (Sorry about overdoing it there.) I will be going through Platte again, so I think I'll have to stop. You can't see it but they have a windmill as their logo. If it's anything like the Edgerton Bakery, I'll probably fall into comatose. I'm such a sucker for Dutch-based bakeries.

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